Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides: Why “Grass-Fed, Pasture-Raised”?

When you walk down the meat aisle in the grocery store you can see a variety of beef, a lot of which says “Grass-Fed” on the label. In fact, the words “Grass-Fed” have become part of our daily language when shopping red meat. To put it into perspective, ten years ago there were about 50 grass-fed cattle operations in the USA, now there are thousands. This isn’t rocket science - a pasture-raised, grass-fed cow can roam in open pastures and feed on natural grass or forage. The USDA isn’t exactly black and white, but we’d like to think that if “grass-fed, pasture-raised” is on a label the cow spent its life on the open pasture and not in a feedlot. That, of course, brings us to the alternative and how many cows have been farmed for decades. Typically, a calf will begin its life on the open pasture eating milk and grass and after about seven months be transitioned into a feedlot where their diet will consist of grain-based feeds with corn, soy and some amounts of dried grass. What’s most troubling is these cows are often given antibiotics, hormones and growth hormones to maximize growth.
Why is it important to shop Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides or Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder? Well, first and foremost it has to do with the treatment of the cows. The animals that are grass fed and pasture raised (by the way whether it’s grass-fed or grass fed, pasture-raised or pasture raised is beyond me) can roam free, naturally forage and develop as a cow naturally would grow. Secondly, feedlot cows have a different body composition not even accounting for hormones or antibiotics. The adage you are what you eat comes into play. However, here is the tricky part – the notion of grass-fed, pasture raised is directly related to the quality and nutritional level of the meat you buy. When we’re talking about Grass Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides it’s a totally different ballgame. Why? Well, because collagen is sourced from the tendons and hides of bovine, not the actual meat. There is no significant scientific evidence that shows a different quality of collagen like there is that shows the difference in beef when it comes to grass-fed, pasture-raised vs. feedlot cows. Without being a scientist, its clear to see the overall health of the cow is superior when grass-fed, pasture raised. The materials used in feedlot are not suited for the cow and can lead to stomach and many other issues. One would have to think that if the meat is proven superior the rest of the cow would be as well.
Zammex Nutrition’s Grass-Fed, Pasture-Raised Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides are exactly what they appear to be – Grass-Fed and Pasture-Raised. At the very least we believe in the proper treatment of the cows used to source our collagen. The foundation of our company is “Purity Realized”, thus the elimination of all hormone, antibiotics and anything else unnatural will not be used in the materials to make our product. It is because of that we believe we have one of the purest, highest-quality Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides on the market.
Source Link: https://zammex.com/blogs/zammex-blog/hydrolyzed-collagen-peptides-why-grass-fed-pasture-raised
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